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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Commercial Blog Posts

Save Money

11/11/2021 (Permalink)

When you own or operate a small business, you typically don’t have unlimited financial resources to stay afloat. It is critical to manage your expenses so you can control cash outflow from your company. If your business is in a commercial building, your utility bills can make up a large amount of your monthly expenses. Managing and reducing energy consumption is a sure way to lower your bills, and keep more money in your business.

- Insulation Saves Energy

One fairly inexpensive way to reduce energy costs is insulating your property. You can save up to 10% of your energy bill by installing proper insulation and sealing your building. Sealing drafty windows is a great start, as well as adding insulation to exterior walls. Additionally, sealing around plumbing penetrations and correcting leaks in HVAC ducts is helpful.

- Turn Off Lights and Computers

At the end of the business day, have your employees power down their computers, and turn off all lights. Modern laptop computers and LED lighting consume far less electricity than their older counterparts. However, they still use a small amount of energy. Fully shutting off computers and lights can still result in savings in the long run.

- Utilize Smart Building Technology

Modern building controls, including programmable thermostats, are a great way to limit energy consumption. Smart thermostats can help you build a heating and cooling schedule that keeps your employees comfortable during business hours, while cutting back on usage during times that nobody is present. Motion-sensing light switches turn lights on when people are in a room, and automatically turn them off when no motion is detected. This minimizes electrical consumption, and cuts down your electric bill.

- Maintain your HVAC system

Dirty HVAC systems consume more energy to operate than a clean, well-maintained system. Clogged filters, dirty refrigeration coils, and dust buildup in the supply and return ducts all add resistance to airflow. The blowers have to work harder to push air, and consume more power as a result. Changing filters regularly, and scheduling periodic duct cleaning, can save you money in the form of reduced utility bills.

SERVPRO of East Monroe County can address your HVAC cleaning needs. We have the tools and training to keep your HVAC system running cleanly and efficiently, so you can keep a handle on energy consumption expenses in your business.

Mold Remediation for your Rochester Commercial Property

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

Mold starts to form when you have airborne spores contact moisture and food sources. Food Sources can include wood, dirt, and paper. Mold starts with some type of leak from roof, pipes, or flooding and most of the time it won’t even be visible from the outside. Mold is most definitely a threat to the structure and can cause health effects. It is important to be on a lookout for potential mold growth Any place where water is found will most likely develop mold if not taken care of properly. Listed below are common places where mold can grow.

  • Basements
  • Attics
  • Under sinks
  • Crawl spaces
  • Furnaces
  • Kitchens
  • Bathrooms

It is important to keep an eye on these areas as they can obtain moisture and eventually produce mold. If you suspect an area is wet bring in a professional to properly assess the situation. If something like this is ignored it can cause more damage and could become costly.

Commercial Fire Board Up Services

9/24/2021 (Permalink)

If your commercial property in Monroe county has experienced a fire, there are several reasons why you might want to board up structural damage or windows. In addition to keeping the external elements out of your home with fire damage, boarding up can also prevent additional losses due to looting and make the fire cleanup process easier.

Most full-service restoration specialists offer boarding-up services. Here are four reasons to board-up after a fire.

1. The premises still have sustainable inventory. If the building still contains products that appear viable, you should consider boarding. These products may involve evaluation and cleaning and may not be suitable for sale, but it may be useful for insurance reasons to have them correctly processed rather than stolen.

2. You want electronics and other valuables to be protected. You may be able to restore certain electronics or other precious assets to working condition depending on the extent of the fire damage. Loss can be much more costly than repairing or replacing covered.

3. You need to keep out the elements. If the structure of your property has sustained extensive damage, you should try to keep the elements out. Exposure to additional water, wind, or sunlight can compound the damage caused by smoke residue and soot.

4. You want to limit soot damage. It is generally a good idea to reduce foot traffic on the scene of a recent fire. When soot gets embedded into carpeting or upholstery, it can be much more difficult to restore these materials to a pre-fire condition.

Talk to restoration experts at SERVPRO of East Monroe County about whether boarding-up is a good strategy for preventing loss and limiting damage after a fire. Your major concern is likely to be how to recover from fire damage as quickly and completely as possible. Preventing looting and exposure to the elements can make fire cleanup more successful.

3 Tips for Using a Fire Extinguisher

9/23/2021 (Permalink)

Fire extinguishers are essential fire suppression equipment. Commercial building owners and occupants should know how to choose and safely use any fire extinguisher. Applying the right type of suppressant to open flames has the potential to minimize fire damage and safety risks during a fire at a commercial building in Rochester, NY.

1. Use the Right Extinguisher Class
There are five classes of fire extinguishers and commercial buildings may be equipped with one or more extinguisher types. Class A extinguishers contain suppressants for ordinary combustibles, while Class B extinguishers put out blazes fed by flammable liquids. Class K extinguishers are formulated for commercial kitchen fires. Class C extinguishers contain suppressants for electrical fires, and Class D extinguishers put out fires fueled by combustible metals.

2. Do the PASS Method
The PASS method is the best way to limit fire damage. Pull the pin, aim the fire extinguisher hose at the base of a blaze, squeeze the handle and sweep spray from side to side. Although this method puts out some fires, the force of the spray may spread grease fires. In these cases, dousing flames or limiting airflow may prove effective.

3. Plan Ahead for Evacuation
Before using an extinguisher, a building occupant should make sure that he or she will be able to safely evacuate the area if it is not possible to put out the flames. Anyone attempting to suppress a fire should exercise caution to prevent flames from blocking off the most convenient route out of a burning building.
These fire extinguisher tips are only helpful if a commercial building is equipped with the proper class and number of fire extinguishers. The fire hazard level of a structure will determine the number and positioning of extinguishers. Fire safety codes may require that extinguishers be spaced 30, 50 or 75 feet apart at a building in Rochester, NY.

Time Table for Water Damages

9/20/2021 (Permalink)

Water Damage at a Local Commercial Building

There is never a convenient time for a water damage, especially when it comes to businesses.  Water can quickly migrate throughout your building; it can soak into walls, flooring, furniture, and more. When you call SERVPRO of East Monroe County, we will respond to your location right away. We will assess the loss and make sure there is no hidden water in other rooms. From there, we will start extracting any standing water and any water trapped in your carpet. By having a rapid response to your commercial water damage, the total extent of the loss can be reduced, and help save money on your claim. Here is a rough time table of damage caused by water as it dwells in a structure:

Within Minutes:

  • Water spreads throughout your property
  • Water absorbs into the walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets
  • Paper goods like photographs and books can start to swell and warp

Hours 1-24:

  • Metal surfaces begin to rust
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and cause staining
  • Paint begins to blister

48 Hours – 1 week

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down
  • Mold may start growing
  • Doors, windows, and framing studs swell and warp
  • Wood flooring swells and warps
  • Microbial contamination is possible

More than 1 week

  • Restoration time and costs increases, with more materials needing replaced
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose increased risks to occupants

 SERVPRO of East Monroe County is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including all holidays. We can rapidly respond to stop further damage, and get your business back to work.

Your Business is Flooded. Now what?

11/10/2020 (Permalink)

Commercial water loss in Rochester, NY

What would you do if you walked into your office in the morning, to find everything covered in 4 inches of water from a water main break?! For this Doctor it was simple, her first call was to SERVPRO of East Monroe County. She needed a mitigation company that would get her business back up and running as fast as possible. When the damage brings your business to a screeching halt, especially for a surgical doctor’s office, there is no time to mess around.

When your business is on the line, you need a partner like SERVPRO of East Monroe County who understands the negative impact business interruption can have. You need a recovery services partner who understands that every second your doors are closed, not only does it affect your bottom line, but it also disturbs your employees, their families, and your customers.

SERVPRO of East Monroe County will be there for you and your property, giving you the personalized attention you need and deserve. If a water main break does happen to you, trust SERVPRO of East Monroe County to clean up the mess so you can get back to running your business. Call (585) 641-0040

Water pipe burst your bubble?

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

Commercial water loss in Rochester, NY

A pipe bursting overnight means your facilities manager is not on site to turn off the water before it leaks through the ceilings and into the hallways. To prevent further complications such as mold damage from arising, it is necessary to call a professional for water damage restoration services. Water damage is time-sensitive, and it can only take 72 hours for microbial growth to begin. The faster that you have professionals on the job, the faster you can reopen your business.

At SERVPRO® of East Monroe County, we understand it is essential for you to get your business up and running as soon as possible. We make it a priority to arrive when you need us, no matter the time of day. We are faster to any disaster, which is why we run on a 1-4-8 rule. Our customer will be contacted within 1 hour of the loss initially being reported. We will be on-site to a Rochester location within 4 hours from the dispatch of loss. Within 8 hours of dispatch, we will provide you and your adjuster a verbal briefing and documentation.

Should a disaster strike, call SERVPRO® of East Monroe County (585) 641-0040 to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Damage to your Monroe County Commercial Property? Call SERVPRO of SE Monroe County!

9/28/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damaged room Let SERVPRO of SE Monroe County help you after a fire at your business

Fire damage on your commercial property can be emotionally and financially devastating.  At SERVPRO of SE Monroe County, we understand that every hour spent in the cleanup and fire restoration process of your business means lost revenue and productivity. This is why SERVPRO of SE Monroe County is a trusted emergency restoration company that will walk you through the entire process by dealing with your insurance company as well as your preferences for your business restoration.

After a fire occurs, make sure to notify your insurance agent so you can begin itemizing your losses. You want to be sure to understand your options and go over your policy carefully in order to make the right decisions. We will help you through your insurance paperwork and manage your property’s fire restoration process from start to finish. Our goal at SERVPRO of SE Monroe County is to have your business restored quickly and efficiently.

SERVPRO of SE Monroe County gives you access to IICRC-industry certified technicians.  Our highly trained staff have several years of experience assisting business owners just like you with excellent service. Regardless of how the fire began, or what materials exist in the affected area, you want to have the right company for the job. Restoring your property after a fire damage, can be a lengthy and confusing process. For these events, you will need professionals that are on your side to walk you through the necessary steps to restore your property. We will treat your property as if it were ours, with respect and care.

To increase the chances of having your business restored successfully, trust SERVPRO of SE Monroe County to cleanup and restore your commercial property. Our SERVPRO of SE Monroe County professionals, have the resources to help you take control of your business again. We provide fire restoration & smoke restoration (remediating smoke damage or soot damage). Have questions about fire, smoke, or soot damage to your business? Call us today at (585) 641-0040.

Mitigating Monroe County Commercial Properties can be Quick!

9/25/2020 (Permalink)

For large commercial losses, our team brings trailer-mounted generators to power the other equipment.

STOP! If you have water or fire damage in your property right now, call us at (585) 641-0040 RIGHT NOW. Don’t wait to mitigate - the longer damage sits unattended, the more likely it will develop secondary damage. Call us now!

When water flows through four floors of commercial space, it doesn’t have to take a long time to mitigate the damage. SERVPRO of East Monroe County is a large commercial loss capable restoration company - we have years of experience handling situations like these, and you might be surprised with how quick and efficient mitigation can actually be!

Planning the mitigation roadmap after first notice of loss is crucial to being an efficient restoration professional. Our Project Managers work closely with property owners and insurance adjusters to develop a mitigation plan as soon as possible that will get the property back to business. 

Next, equipment becomes the key detail. We will bring in large amounts of air movers, dehumidifiers, generators, and desiccants to optimize all hours of the day. If tenants are still operating out of the space, we work with them to ensure the equipment is not disturbed. 

Depending on the side of the affected area, a large commercial loss like the one described above can sometimes take no longer than 14 days! 

Our goal, as premiere restoration professionals in the Monroe County area, is to provide quality service to our customers in a timely manner, so that they can get back to business. 

If your home or business experiences water or fire damage, call SERVPRO of East Monroe County as soon as possible - we can help you get your property restored to preloss condition. Don’t wait to mitigate - call us as soon as you see storm damage on your property: (585) 641-0040.

We Discuss the Equipment Used in Flood Damaged Schools in Monroe County

9/23/2020 (Permalink)

Give our skilled professionals a call whenever you need us at (585) 641-0040.

Extraction Equipment Used In Flooded Monroe County Schools

Flooding can be a detrimental situation that completely ruins areas like carpeting and linoleum tilework of a Mahopac school. With how quickly these effects can spread throughout your institution, it can easily exceed the reach and resources of your custodial and maintenance staff. Our SERVPRO professionals have a fast response to flooding and water loss emergencies that affect our area schools because we know that hundreds of people get impacted by loss incidents like these.
Standing water can often be one of the most hazardous effects of flood damage in Monroe County schools, as this can continually damage the surfaces exposed and saturate structural elements until this high volume gets removed. Our professionals have a massive inventory of recovery tools and equipment, including a wide selection of extraction machines and devices. From light wands to trash pumps, we have the equipment to suit the specific needs of your building. It is our objective from the moment that mitigation work begins to get your doors back open to students and faculty as promptly as possible.
Flood loss scenarios can be widespread and destructive, spreading beyond the penetration point throughout other rooms and communal areas on the same level of the school. Our professionals can begin extraction work as soon as we arrive, especially using wet-vacs and light wands to prevent the further spread of debilitating water damage. Our prompt response with these extraction tools can help us to reach the point where the combination of air movers and dehumidifiers can remove the lingering moisture.
High-capacity extractors can protect flooring in your school, such as linoleum, from succumbing to water penetration and popping tiles loose. As a standard flooring option for public schools, our protection of these materials can help to get the facility cleaned quickly and ready for the return of students and your employees.
We have multiple extraction tools that can suit the specific needs and immediate effects in your area school. It is our utmost priority to clean and restore this loss quickly, so you can count on our SERVPRO of East Monroe County team to show that We’re Faster to Any Size Disaster. Give our skilled professionals a call whenever you need us at (585) 641-0040.

We Get You Back in Business in Rochester After a Water Loss

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

Our team is quick to respond and begin the mitigation process after you suffer water damage. We are available 24/7 to assist you with any size job.

What Do I Need to Address Flooded Floors in My Storage Warehouse?

Commercial Water Cleanup Is No Match for SERVPRO in Rochester – Call Us for Prompt Service!

If heavy rains left excessive water in your storage warehouse, prompt action is required to limit the amount of loss. Having items stored on shelves from floor to ceiling means cleaning up the water and working fast to remove moisture from the air. The professionals have the right tools and techniques to ensure rapid cleanup gets your warehouse back up and running sooner.

How does SERVPRO get my warehouse back to normal after flooding?

When you call SERVPRO for commercial water cleanup in Rochester, you have access to our team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We remove all standing water and prioritize the elimination of moisture to protect all of your contents, thus limiting the downtime you experience.

We know that your storage warehouse presents unique challenges, so we spring into action with measures like:

• The removal of all standing water damage with truck-mounted pumps and professional-grade water extractors. Our team also checks for moisture pockets located under desks, cabinets, and shelving with moisture detection devices. 

• Large air movers are put into place to help circulate air along with powerful dehumidifiers that work to absorb moisture from the air. Our external truck-mount air movers help extract any moist air and replace it with dry air from outside.

• Any paper products get thoroughly inspected by SERVPRO technicians, included damaged boxes and packaging. All items get inventoried to create a detailed record for both inventory control and insurance claims.

• With any floor to ceiling shelf units, we direct air movers under the bottom shelves. We adapt continuously to ensure drying is as effective as possible to return your storage warehouse to regular operations.

There is nothing like having SERVPRO of East Monroe County on your side when you need to address commercial water cleanup. Call us when you need us at (585) 641-0040, and we deploy a team as quickly as possible.

Preparing a Church for a Disaster

11/6/2019 (Permalink)

Places of worship are so important to us. They are often a place for shelter in the midst of a disaster. That is why it is so important that all churches are prepared for the worst to come. 

Here are some tips at preparing your place of worship for a disaster:

  1. Identify hazards or threats early
  2. Take necessary precautions for those hazards or threats.
  3. Plan evacuations
  4. Train your church staff for emergency readiness and response.
  5. Prepare surrounding members of the community. 
  6. Be prepared to provide help or aid to your church members after a disaster strikes.

SERVPRO of East Monroe County is faster to any size disaster. If you or your church finds yourself in need, give us a call at (585) 641-0040

Electrical Safety Tips!

11/6/2019 (Permalink)

In the past year, SERVPRO of East Monroe County has seen numerous electrical fires. One fire in Pittsford was caused by a cell phone charger and the entire single-family home burned to the ground.

SERVPRO of East Monroe County recommends the following tips to make sure you are protected:

  1. Electrical Extension Cords. If you have tenants regularly using extension cords, you may need additional outlets installed in some units. Extension cords are always meant to be a short-term solution.
  2. Tamper Resistant Outlets. Install tamper resistant outlets for day care centers or schools to ensure no one gets shocked or no inappropriate objects are put into outlets.
  3. GFCI Outlets. Inspect GFCI outlets to reduce risk of electrical shock to your tenants. National Code requires them in all kitchens, bathrooms, garages, and outdoor areas.
  4. Panel and AFCI Receptacles. Be sure to inspect your electrical panels and AFCI receptacles. Both works to ensure safe conditions if an arc fault is detected. An arc fault is when damaged wiring or a device creates a hot or unsafe situation.

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions. When various materials burn, the soot and residue they create differs greatly and requires a specific cleaning procedure. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage restoration. Learn more about our fire damage restoration process.

  • Emergency Contact
  • Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment
  • Immediate Board-Up and Roof Tarp Service (if needed)
  • Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)
  • Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces
  • Cleaning and Repair
  • Restoration

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Us Today – (585) 641-0040

Restoring your Commercial Property after a Water Damage

11/1/2019 (Permalink)

Faster to Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage events at Rochester area commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large-scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of East Monroe County

SERVPRO of East Monroe County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Have water damage in your business? Call us today! (585) 641-0040

We Mean Business!

9/26/2019 (Permalink)

By now, you probably know that SERVPRO is an industry leader when it comes to commercial fire and water clean-up and restoration. And that we are available to respond to your business fire and water emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We also have access to resources of a nationwide network of 1,700 franchises, which means no project is too big for us to handle.

Something that you may not be aware of is that we are so much more than just a fire and water clean-up service! We offer professional services to get your business looking its best. Maybe your office’s carpets could use a freshening up, or maybe your restaurant’s kitchen could use a deep cleaning. How dirty are those A/C vents? Imagine how dirty the air ducts are on the inside! We have the right cleaning tools and products to get the job done.

You can depend on SERVPRO of East Monroe County to get your workplace looking it's very best!

Commercial Carpet Maintenance

9/25/2019 (Permalink)

The carpeting in an office can quickly because soiled due to heavy traffic. Carpets act as a filter, trapping dust, dirt, gases, animal hair and other soils into the fibers to the carpeting. The IICRC believes that soil in carpet is 79% dry soil. Therefore, regular vacuuming is a major factor in keeping up with proper care and maintenance of your carpets. Vacuuming should be done at least once a week. However, in high traffic areas it may be necessary to vacuum once daily.

Other things you can do to help maintain your carpets appearance are…

  • Spot removal. Don’t wait until your whole carpet needs to be cleaned to try to remove a stain or spill from the carpet. Take care of any staining that may occur on the carpet immediately.
  • Move furniture to change traffic patterns. If everyone at your office walks in the same path on the carpet, the carpet will quickly show warn spots in those areas. Those same areas will receive the most amounts of dirt and soil on them while other areas never get walked on. Moving furniture around forces people to walk in different areas of the carpet preventing the carpeting to get worn too quickly in the same areas.
  • Using entryway mats. Using entryway mats limit the amount of soil brought in and tracked onto the carpets. Entryway mats are especially useful during the winter months when salt from the roads and sidewalks can stain the carpeting.
  • Schedule a professional cleaning. Professional carpet cleaning can address moderate and heavy soil in your carpets. We generally recommend having your carpets professionally cleaned at least every 12 months. However we may suggest having your carpets cleaning more frequently based on soil build-up, traffic, type and color of carpeting.

Commercial Fire Testimonial

9/23/2019 (Permalink)

Fire and water damages happen when we least expect it. Our goal is to work with our clients and make these stressful situations manageable by providing a thorough scope of work to make it like it never even happened.

We recently worked with a local municipality whose Department of Publics building sustained a fire loss. A snow plow caught fire during the winter season causing smoke and fire damage throughout the garage and office areas. This was a large loss and we needed help! We brought in a SERVPRO Large Loss Response Team, SERVPRO of Broome County out of Binghamton NY.

Their team was there to respond. The project took close to 2 months to complete due to the size and extensive damage. We assisted with structure cleaning, contents cleaning, document restoration, and repair services. Progress updates and photos were provided daily to our client.

When the job was complete our client was more than happy and had this to say:

"Great Job! Very professional. Justin is attentive and considers all of our needs. I would recommend this TEAM to everyone."

Common Causes of Water Damage in Businesses

9/20/2019 (Permalink)

It is usually easy to see when your business is flooding, but some causes of water damage are not so obvious. Determining the origin of the problem may require a bit of detective work, and simply cleaning up the signs of damage often won’t fix the root cause. Be sure to keep an eye out for these common causes of water damage in commercial properties.

Roof Leaks

Small leaks in your roof can lead to large amounts of damage. Flat roofs are particularly susceptible to water damage. Even though most flat roofs do have a slight incline, natural debris, like leaves and branches, can create areas where water can easily build up. Standing water can create cracks and leaks in your roof, which can result in water damage throughout your property.

Even if your roof has a steep incline, debris and freezing temperatures in the winter can create natural dams on your roof. Moss can also cause similar issues as it absorbs water and holds it in place on your roof. Regularly clear moss and debris off your roof to prevent damage.

Ice Dams

Ice dams can be a little-known, but major problem during the snowy season, especially for commercial buildings with flat roofs. They form when heated air melts roof snow downward into water dammed behind still-frozen ice. When the trapped water cannot safely flow or run into the gutter system, it can backflow under the roof ’s shingles and into the structure’s interior areas, as well as causing gutters and shingles to move or fall.

Icicles can be an initial sign of an ice dam, according to Travelers.com. To spot ice dams inside, “check for water stains or moisture in your attic or along the ceiling of exterior walls of your property. Water stains or moisture may be an indication that an ice dam has formed and water has penetrated the roof membrane.”

Removing an ice dam as soon as it is found is vital to helping prevent damage to your property and can be done using heated cables, a roof shovel, or a calcium chloride ice melter.

Gutter Buildup

Ideally, gutters direct water off your roof and away from your building. However, it’s easy for leaves, branches, and other debris to clog your gutters. Over time, water will build up and start to overflow onto your walls. Small holes can form as well. Instead of guiding water away from your building, water will constantly leak down its walls. This creates an ideal situation for water damage to occur.

Multi-level properties should have the gutters regularly inspected on all roof levels. If gutters start to overflow from a higher level, water can impact lower roofs with greater volume and velocity and cause damage.

Frequently clear out your gutters, especially in the fall or after a windy day.

Broken Pipes

Depending on the location and severity of a broken or leaking pipe, this can be one of the most obvious causes of damage or one of the most subtle.

Winter is a common season for burst pipes. Insufficient insulation can cause pipes to freeze, expand and burst. Commercial buildings may be closed over weekends and frozen pipes can go unnoticed. Rust and age can also damage your pipes.

Unfortunately, it can take a while to notice a leaking pipe, which can give water plenty of time to damage your property. Watch for telltale signs such as lower water pressure, discolored water, or staining on your walls.

Sewage Backup

While you might prefer to avoid sewage in your day-to-day life, tree roots enjoy easy access to sources of water and fertilizer. Tree roots will often grow into and clog drain lines, which causes the sewage to back up and results in water damage in and around your building.

These clogs will often affect multiple drains. If you flush your toilet and hear gurgling coming from the shower drain, you may have a sewer clog. To prevent tree roots from finding their way into your sewage lines, you can install metal or wood barriers running vertically by the lines. Make sure they are buried 6-12” deeper than the pipe.

Toilets and sewer lines can also clog after someone flushes inappropriate items down the toilet. Make sure everyone in your building knows to avoid flushing feminine hygiene products, rags, cotton balls, paper towels, baby wipes, diapers, etc. If it’s not toilet paper, don’t send it down the toilet.

Broken or Malfunctioning Appliances

As water heaters and other appliances age, they can develop rust, leaks, and cracks. Even a small trickle of water can cause damage over time. Keep an eye on your machines as they get older. Watch for any decreases in performance, and inspect the appliances regularly.

Sprinkler Malfunction

Many businesses and apartment facilities have extensive sprinkler systems. Though these systems are meant to help reduce potential damage to these properties, they can often be the cause of major water damage. Many commercial water losses we see come from broken or faulty sprinkler heads or because the sprinklers were set off by a small fire. If left running, these sprinkler heads can flood a building with hundreds of gallons of water very quickly. Be sure to not hang items from sprinkler heads and to avoid setting off alarms with smoke.

HVAC Malfunctions

A leaky or malfunctioning HVAC system can also cause major water damage to a property. Small leaks can go unnoticed for some time and can cause unseen water damage. If not caught early, the damage can become a lot bigger and harder to clean up and restore. Be sure to have your HVAC systems checked regularly. If you are seeing signs of water damage, such as sagging or bulging drywall, or if things are smelling musty and mildew, have us come check it out. We have the equipment to check for hidden water damage. We can let you know if you have water damage.

These are a few of the more common causes of water damage. The truth is, wherever there is water in your commercial building, there is a potential for damage if something goes wrong. At SERVPRO® of East Monroe County, we know how to fix water damage at the source of the problem. Using our experience and training, we offer long-term solutions to make your property “Like it never even happened.”

We know that water problems can occur at any time, which is why we offer 24-hour emergency service. If you find signs of water damage in your building, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of East Monroe County at 585-641-0040.

Protect your business NOW!

11/1/2018 (Permalink)

The Emergency Ready Profile App

How SERVPRO CAN help protect your business

   SERVPRO has this amazing program available to help in the event of an emergency. It's called the Emergency Ready Profile (ERP).

  It is complimentary to set it up! Once scheduled, one of our staff will come and document information about your building including square footage, access points, contacts and all your shut offs (electric, gas, water etc). This will include instructions and pictures to help you and your employees handle emergencies more efficiently.

Hey, there's an APP for that

   Not only will you receive your ERP in paper form to keep in your office, there is also a FREE app that you can download as well. Say what?? That's right! It's all FREE!!! 

   We do all the work and you enjoy all the benefits! Your app will have everything included, your business name, address, contact phone numbers, pictures and instructions. 

   All of your employees can download the app and access the business. That way if/when an emergency arises they can open the app and shut off what is needed as soon as possible. There is also icons at the top for Fire, Water, Mold & Other to get SERVPRO the info they need so they can be dispatched faster.

   So what are you waiting for?? Call SERVPRO of South-East Monroe County to set up your Emergency Ready Profile today! 585-641-0040

Is Your Business in Trouble? No problem, SERVPRO Can handle it!

11/1/2018 (Permalink)

We are the Service Professionals. Ready to help YOUR business in even the BIGGEST jobs. Fire, water, mold, we can handle that!

When a fire happens it can definitely stop your business from making money. SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - 365 days a year. So when the fire happens, give us a call so we can get you up and running as fast as possible!

Whether it's a leaky pipe or it's like the flood gates opened and there is water everywhere, SERVPRO has got it covered! We have the highest quality equipment available so you can get everything up and running in no time!

Noticing a foul odor? Starting to see dark spots? Well you might have a mold problem. Don't fret, SERVPRO can help! We are the experts at mold remediation. Your business is safe with us!

SERVPRO of South East Monroe County strives for excellence!

We make the impossible, possible!

A Moment to Remember

9/11/2018 (Permalink)

In honor and memory of those who died on September 11, 2001, as well as the survivors and First Responders, National Day of Service and Rememberance was established in 2009 as a day of reflection. Led by the Corporation for National and Communtiy Service, this is a day to come together as Americans did following the events of 9/11 to help neighbors in need, and to honor veterans and First Responders in your community.

On this day and everyday, SERVPRO® of South East Monroe County salutes those heroes who arrive in the greatest times of need and stand strong in the face of disaster. These heroes are the First Responders who keep our communities safe in trying times.

Give back and make a difference in your community this year. To find a volunteer opportunity near you, or to register your National Day of Service and Rememberance event, visit nationalservice.gov/911day.

National Preparedness Month

9/11/2018 (Permalink)

National Preparedness Month is the perfect opportunity to share the benefits of having a readiness plan in place with your customers, business and family.

The SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile® (ERP) will help ensure you and your business are “Ready for whatever happens.”

In the event of an emergency, the SERVPRO® Emergency READY Profile® can help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action in place for your facility. The ERP is a comprehensive document containing critical information about your business, including emergency contact information, shut-off valve locations and priority areas. The ERP is also accessible online using your computer or tablet; download SERVPRO’s free Ready Plan app to access this information at any time using your smartphone or tablet.

The ERP establishes your SERVPRO® of South East Monroe County as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider, giving you access to over 50 years experience and a System more than 1,700 Franchises strong. Knowing what to do and who to call in advance is key to quick response and timely mitigation. Having a plan in place may help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive and get you back in the building following a disaster.

Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster, whether it is a small water leak, a large fire or an area flood. The best time to plan for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens. No one ever plans on a disaster, but now, you can plan for it.

The ERP is a no-cost assessment; all it requires is a little time, making it a great value that could save a lot of time in the future. Call your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professional to establish your Emergency READY Profile®.

Mold Damage at your Rochester NY Property

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

Mold spores are microscopic and can be located everywhere. There are thousands in every home and are dormant, causing no problems, for the most part. It takes an open source of water or high levels of moisture in the air to cause these spores to expand and grow. If untreated or removed, mold can quickly destroy building material and other property, costing hundreds (even thousands) of dollars in damage.

If you are concerned there may be mold damage in your North Dallas home, call a professional mold damage restoration company for assistance. SERVPRO has extensive training in handling mold and cleaning up property that has been infested by it.

We start by finding the source of the mold and determining just how far it may have already grown. Our technicians use air testers to determine the exact levels which help us plan how to neutralize and remove it. Once we find it, the next step is to isolate the affected room or area. Our response team seals off all entrances and exits using plastic sheeting and duct tape to prevent further contamination of your home. The vents and ducts of your heating and air system will be sealed off as well.

Next, technicians begin to clean the area using anti-fungal and anti-microbial sprays to destroy active spores. Every surface will be sprayed and then wiped down; if the growth is exceptionally thick in some places, we use special scrubbing tools to remove it without damaging the surface underneath. Areas difficult to reach may be cleaned by using anti-fungal foggers that get into every surface and crack mold may hide. These foggers are also used in case your heating and air system has been compromised by the mold. After the ducts have been exposed to the anti-fungal agents, technicians will use specially designed exhaust fans to blow the spores out of your home. When this is finished, we wipe down all of the vents and replace the air filters.

To prevent new mold growth, our technicians also test the air to see if the air moisture levels need to be reduced. If they do, dehumidifiers will be set up at key points to draw water from the air. Once the levels test out to under 12 percent, your home is considered to be safe against new growth. If you are worried about mold in your house, call us at (585) 641-0040 today to schedule an inspection. SERVPRO of South-East Monroe County is here to help restore your home and put your life back together.

Commercial Flood Damage at a Rochester Retail Store

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

After a disaster strike, the aftermath is what causes the destruction most often. A thunderstorm or tornado can damage a roof, but it is the accompanying water that can ruin a local business.

Flood damage to Rochester commercial properties can be a costly, temporary, problem or it can shut doors permanently. SERVPRO has the expertise and personnel to make sure the latter does not happen. We have a 24-hour response team with the latest equipment in restoration. A rapid response is particularly important for businesses such as furniture stores. The variety of types of wood, cloth, and varnishes mean that more than one method of drying is necessary.
The first step is to get the furniture out of the water. Even just an inch can cause the varnish to separate from wood surfaces and color to bleed from covering fabrics, carpets, and drapes. Our technicians use industrial-grade pumps that can remove water from even a large, warehouse-sized, structure in a matter of hours.

Next, all items can be either removed to a dry location or placed up on blocks or pallets to lift them out of water trapped in carpets or flooring. Area rugs, curtains, and drapes can be removed and hung. They can be transferred to our facility if needed. With everything out of the way, the response team uses extractors to pull water out of carpets and flooring.

The drying process must be applied to the structure itself and everything inside. In a large facility, our response team can set up a series of air movers and exhaust fans inside the structure and at exits and entrances. These machines pull the damp air out of the building and replace it with dry air from the outside. For smaller rooms (offices, exclusive showrooms) inside, we place dehumidifiers inside to draw moisture out of the air.

Drying furniture requires a dry atmosphere, but if the varnish has already absorbed water, then an even heat may be needed to help dry it while not causing damage from the heat itself. To end up with a smooth finish, we can use a series of space heaters placed around a group of items with similar woods and coatings. Technicians try to avoid applying direct heat as this can cause bubbles to form underneath the surface.

The drying and restoration process may be time-consuming, but it can help you keep the doors open. Call us today at (585) 641-0040 to get started. SERVPRO of South-East Monroe County is here to help you put your livelihood back together.

Experiencing Commercial Water Damage

9/10/2018 (Permalink)

We know that your main concern is getting your business operations back to normal as soon as possible after any catastrophe, but commercial water damage is much more complex than most problems experienced by businesses today. Categories of water can quickly change from non-hazardous to very dangerous quickly. Water can spread in almost any direction, including up if conditions are right, and remaining flood waters can instantaneously ruin some certain products with even minute amounts.

Commercial water damage presents unique challenges because of the environment involved. From warehouses storing agricultural products to leather processing plants, inventory protection, and worker safety is both important to any business. Different types of water can cause damage, and even the cleanest water, category 1, can turn into the worst, category 3 when contaminants are present. These can happen when clean water is mixed or combined with another source of category 3 water, even if it is not causing any damage by itself (such as sewer water) or when bags of previously dry substances such as fertilizers or pesticides become saturated, and their contents leach into the water.

The damage to your inventory can also rapidly multiply. When products at the bottom of a stack can be a conduit for water by wicking it upwards toward other product that has not been damaged, it's common sense to get those products on top removed to a safer location. We have team members who can provide this service while our technicians work in other areas, protecting your business from increased inventory loss.

Stacked bags of concrete and other dry products that are designed to be mixed with water, oil, or other liquid just prior to use may seem to be in saleable condition until they are examined on their undersides where water has accumulated. These ruined items need to be removed and accounted for on inventory loss sheets. For insurance purposes, all products need to be re-inventoried and noted as to their condition before the conclusion of our restoration work.

After you've made the initial call to us, we can begin the restoration process. Returning your business to normal operations is important, and we understand the complexities involved in keeping your employees safe while protecting your business's bottom line. Call us, SERVPRO of South-East Monroe County at (585) 641-0040 any time, day or night, 365 days a year.

Commercial Duct Cleaning

10/31/2017 (Permalink)

Unlike the majority of duct cleaning services, SERVPRO of South East Monroe County uses a portable ventilation and air duct cleaning system to examine ductwork and make a clean sweep, removing years of dust and grime.

  • The process begins by using patented equipment, including a roto-scraper, which automatically adapts tot he duct's shape and diameter while traveling through the duct, removing debris and filth before vacuuming begins. 
  • Next, a powerful push-pull air delivery and collection system transfers the debris from ducting to a 16-gallon container.
  • Air is filtered through a HEPA filtration system, removing 99.97 percent of particles in the air-stream. HEPA filters capture debris and keep the indoor environment clean.
  • As an optional process, a sealant or coating product may be sprayed to address odor or microbial concerns.
  • Filters will either be cleaned or replaced to remove odor and dirt.

For more information on duct cleaning, or to schedule an appointment, contact SERVPRO of South East Monroe County Today! (585) 641-0040

Time Is A Precious Commodity

10/31/2017 (Permalink)

When you need it done right and done fast, call SERVPRO of South East Monroe County for all your commercial cleaning needs. Did you know when you hire SERVPRO of South East Monroe County for maintenance cleaning, you get around-the-clock restoration services built with you in mind? Quality cleaning and quick response - that's the SERVPRO way.

Can't figure out how to get the job done? Call SERVPRO of South East Monroe County for all your emergency restoration needs. Because when you experience a fire, water or mold damage in your facility, you need fast response and the expertise to get the job done right, ensuring your business can get back into operation as quickly as possible. Through it all, you expect the most reliable information and the very best service at a fair price.

SERVPRO of South East Monroe County is committed to providing fire and water cleanup and restoration services to reduce business interruptions and recover costs.

Commercial Large Loss

9/7/2017 (Permalink)

A water main break caused this commercial building to have a major flood.  This affected their store, kitchen,  cafeteria, and a few offices.  The water and dirt brought in from outside left a lot of damage to their business. 

SERVPRO of S.E. Monroe County was called on to help clean up the mess.  And the business owners were very glad they were able to save their merchandise from any further damage.  They could not believe we were able to respond so quickly and with a large amount of drying equipment.

This photo shows two before photos and two after photos.  In the before photos, the carpet is not supposed to be brown... that is mud! 

SERVPRO of S.E. Monroe County was able to make it "Like it never even happened" and they were fully operational within the same week. 

Got Mold? Give us a call!

9/7/2017 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation and Restoration

It only takes a small water leak, or even excess humidity, for mold to form in your Rochester home or business. Then, mold can spread quickly through the property in as little as 48 hours. Mold can produce allergens and irritants, and it has the potential to cause other health effects. If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold,
Call Us Today – (585)641-0040

Commercial Post Construction Cleaning

9/7/2017 (Permalink)

Post Construction Cleaning

Once the floors are down and the drywall is up, its time to remove the debris and dirt in order to lay carpet, paint, and decorate. SERVPRO of S.E. Monroe County can provide the debris removal services to prepare the building for interior design.

Dehumidification and Drying 

During the construction phase, a building can trap moisture. Excessive moisture could result in mold growth. If you think one of your projects may have a moisture issue, rely on SERVPRO of South East Monroe County to provide the help you need eliminating moisture and preventing the potential for mold growth. 

Final Cleaning

You want the facility to look its best when the doors open. SERVPRO of South East Monroe County provides cleaning services to give the building that extra shine. Service include:

  • Carpet, resilient and non-resilient floor prep and finish 
  • Ceiling, walls and fixture cleaning 
  • Deodorization 
  • Air Duct Cleaning 
  • Debris Removal (if necessary)
  • Window Cleaning

Call SERVPRO of South East Monroe Count Today!!!  (585)641-0040

SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile

9/6/2017 (Permalink)

It is estimated that up to 50% of businesses that close due to a disaster, such as a fire or a flood, never reopen! Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them has a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at piece of mind. Preparation is a key component for making it through any size disaster, whether it's a small water leak, a large fire, or an area flood. The best time to plan for such events is not when the event happens, but well before it happens.

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business. 

No one ever plans on a disaster, but you can plan for it. Now is the time to ask yourself "Are you ready for whatever happens?"

Call SERVPRO of S.E. Monroe County Today for your Complimentary ERP!! (585)641-0040

Advantages of the SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile

9/6/2017 (Permalink)

ERP Advantages

  • A no cost assessment of your facility 
    • This means this is no need to allocate funds, giving you a great value at no cost.
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency
    • It will only take a little time to complete and will not take you away from current projects, but it will save a lot of time if ever needed.
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster
    • This can help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive by having an immediate plan of action.
  • Establishes SERVPRO of S.E. Monroe County as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider
    • You have a provider that is recognized as an industry leader and close by.
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin 
    • This saves time so we can begin the work of mitigating the damage which can save you time and money 
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.
    • Having a quick reference of what to do, how to do it and who to call provides solutions in advance of an emergency so that during the emergency you are "Ready for whatever happens"


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